Please provide green skin-color for emojis"

William_J_G Overington wjgo_10009 at
Fri Jul 30 16:24:45 CDT 2021

Well it appears that adding green to that list of skin tone modifiers is 
not needed.

For a non-sequence emoji, just use ZWJ LARGE GREEN SQUARE as a two 
character suffix. That part is done.

The issue that I opine needs answering is as to how to use a ZWJ LARGE 
GREEN SQUARE if the original emoji is a sequence.

It is a different process from the skin tone modifier process.

Does one insert ZWJ LARGE GREEN SQUARE where one would insert a skin 
tone modifier or does one append it to the whole sequence?

Does a font designer need to add both encodings to the GSUB table of an 
OpenType font due to the answer to the encoding problem being unclear?

William Overington

Friday 30 July 2021

------ Original Message ------
From: "James Kass via Unicode" <unicode at>
To: unicode at
Sent: Friday, 2021 Jul 30 At 20:16
Subject: Re: Please provide green skin-color for emojis"

On 2021-07-30 3:16 PM, abrahamgross--- via Unicode wrote:
The unicode document states “The color of the resulting image may not be 
exactly the same as the color square.”, so I don't think your worries 
hold up. Besides, the exact color for any emoji you pick are different 
between different vendors,
The Unicode document also shows the skin tone "emoji modifiers". Those 
modifiers don't use the ZWJ character. 
These five modifiers are based on the six tones of the Fitzpatrick scale 
for dermatology, which lacks green and other interesting tones.  (Type 
1, "pale white skin", was combined with Type 2, "white skin".)
It seems unlikely that the Fitzpatrick scale would ever be expanded to 
include shades of green.
As with the color squares, the document states that for these diversity 
emoji modifiers:  "The exact shades may vary between implementations".
In order to fulfill Hugh Perkins' desire for a green skin tone modifier 
to be added to Unicode, somebody would have to submit a formal proposal. 
One of the factors the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee uses to assess a 
proposal for inclusion is the expected usage of proposed characters or 
sequences.  So, who would be using the proposed green skin tone modifier 
character?  Although decomposition and putrefaction often result in a 
green skin tone, dead men don't text.

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