QID Emoij

James Kass jameskasskrv at gmail.com
Fri May 29 06:56:07 CDT 2020

On 2020-05-29 10:32 AM, David Starner wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 2:15 AM James Kass <jameskasskrv at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2020-05-29 7:40 AM, David Starner wrote:
>>> I don't see it. Profit driven corporate interests may or may not
>>> support QID Emoji; if they don't, it's practically dead in the water.
>> This discounts the probability that third-partiers would step up to the
>> plate.
> How? If you can't send it in email to arbitrary systems or in text
> messages in arbitrary systems and it show up right, who is going to
> use it?
The same kind of people who used Unicode Indic when it wasn't supported; 
trailblazers, pioneers, and enthusiasts.

Third-party folks offered scripts to convert to-and-from Indic Unicode 
and various pre-Unicode Indic font mappings.  Freely downloadable ones, 
at that.  An example:

>> Aren't there far more than three ways to express the concept "Hello"
>> using valid Unicode strings?  If *that* had been deemed an
>> insurmountable obstacle, we'd still be limited to ASCII-English.
> That's not exactly comparable. I'm looking for a way to pass an image
> of a Palmer's Chipmunk, and am willing to accept fallbacks.
Always glad to help a brother out.  It can be done in-line, , if 
desired.  Here's the instructions I found on-line:
Insert an Image Inline in an Email with Mozilla Thunderbird

1.Create a new message in Mozilla Thunderbird.
2.Put the cursor where you want the image to appear in the body of the 
3.Select Insert > Image from the menu.
4.Use the Choose File... ...
5.Type a short textual description of the image under Alternate text: ...
6.Click OK.

>   With QID
> emoji, there's no way for me to know what will work, nor any way for a
> implementer to know which one I will use. On the contrary, there is
> one correct way to express "Hello" in Unicode, as a series of five
> codepoints encoded in the Basic Latin block.

I was going for the concept of "hello" rather than the spelling of the 
English word for it.  But even in Basic Latin English, there's more than 
one way for the word.

hello... Hello... HELLO!

Even in Basic Latin English there's more than that for the concept.

Hello, good day, good morning/evening/afternoon, howdy...

Beyond English there's a myriad of ways.

Bonjour, guten tag, Здравствуйте, &c.
>> I've decided that Unicode has no business limiting an evolving set of
>> symbols.
> Why don't you do this yourself?
Because I don't have any business limiting an evolving set of symbols, 
either.  I'd rather go for a ride in a paddy-wagon.

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