Distinguishing COENG TA from COENG DA in Khmer script

Kent Karlsson kent.b.karlsson at bahnhof.se
Wed Jun 24 14:22:25 CDT 2020

(Picking a quote slightly arbitrarily here.)

> They are supposed to represent subscript DA and TA, and for the 
> old-Khmer style those look different. The fact that they look identical
> does not mean that you should only use the subscript TA and expect
> it to work where subscript DA is intended.

I know it is very late to say this but… To me this seem very much like
there has been an ORTHOGRAPHIC change over time (preferring
TA over DA when subscript), NOT a commonisation of glyphs.

Indeed, one can well argue that giving COENG TA and COENG DA
the same glyph violates the character identity for these characters/
character sequences.

/Kent Karlsson

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