ICU 67 Released

Rick McGowan rick at
Fri Apr 24 16:57:04 CDT 2020

ICU LogoUnicode® ICU 67 has just been released. ICU 67 updates to CLDR 
37 <> locale data with 
many additions and corrections. This release also includes the updates 
to Unicode 13 
subsuming the special CLDR 36.1 and ICU 66 releases 
<>. ICU 67 includes 
many bug fixes for date and number formatting, including enhanced 
support for user preferences in the locale identifier. The LocaleMatcher 
code and data are improved, and number skeletons have a new “concise” 
form that can be used in MessageFormat strings.

ICU is a software library widely used by products and other libraries 
<> to support the world's 
languages, implementing both the latest version of the Unicode Standard 
and of the Unicode locale data (CLDR).

For details, please see

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