A last missing link for interoperable representation
Julian Bradfield via Unicode
unicode at unicode.org
Sun Jan 13 10:52:25 CST 2019
On 2019-01-12, James Kass via Unicode <unicode at unicode.org> wrote:
> This is a math formula:
> a + b = b + a
> ... where the estimable "mathematician" used Latin letters from ASCII as
> though they were math alphanumerics variables.
Yup, and it's immediately understandable by anyone reading on any
computer that understands ASCII. That's why mathematicians write like
that in plain text.
> This is an italicized word:
> ������������������������
> ... where the "geek" hacker used Latin italics letters from the math
> alphanumeric range as though they were Latin italics letters.
It's a sequence of question marks unless you have an up to date
Unicode font set up (which, as it happens, I don't for the terminal in
which I read this mailing list). Since actual mathematicians don't use
the Unicode math alphabets, there's no strong incentive to get updated
> Where's the harm?
You lose your audience for no reasons other than technogeekery.
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