Bidi paragraph direction in terminal emulators

Elias MÃ¥rtenson via Unicode unicode at
Sun Feb 10 18:22:25 CST 2019

On Sun, 10 Feb 2019, 18:39 Egmont Koblinger via Unicode <unicode at

> On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 2:57 AM Richard Wordingham via Unicode
> <unicode at> wrote:
> > Which side do you align RTL cells on?
> It's out of the scope of my docs.
> In the current work-in-progress implementation I align them to the
> left, but there's a TODO entry to align them to the right instead (or
> maybe center all the glyphs).

For all the willingness to come up with ways to modernise the terminal,
you've only spoken about trying to showhorn rtl text in to the vt102 basic

What I mean is that f you're willing to go as far as introducing new escape
codes to allow applications to better control the behaviour of this one
feature, why do you stop there? Why still limit yourself to the bonds of

Once you take that first step towards the new control codes, why not simply
come up with a new scheme? Why not let me do:


And then I'd have a system that supports everything I need: variable with
fonts, proper rtl text, pixel-precise character positioning, all the
colours, inline graphics, etc.

There is nothing magic about the grid of cells, and once you introduce new
escape sequences, you might as well truly modernise the terminal.


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