Emoji as East Asian Width = Wide

Philippe Verdy via Unicode unicode at unicode.org
Mon Mar 5 06:00:45 CST 2018

I think that fixed-width rendering properties for East-Asian characters was
meant only for rendering letters or symbols as plain-text, not for the new
rendering with emoji styles.
If the symbols are rendered as emojis, these properties don't apply at all,
the Emojis style overrides that completely.

Note that when characters have both styles (notably the oldest dingbats),
there's a variant selector available to select the emoji (EAW ignored)
style vs. plain-text style (where EAW is suitable). Characters that have
only Emoji styles and no selectors should not have any EAW property (only
the default one applicable to all Emojis).

2018-03-05 8:58 GMT+01:00 Oren Watson via Unicode <unicode at unicode.org>:

> EAW is used in fixed-width settings to distinguish characters that should
> take up one space versus two. I would also prefer that all these be
> considered wide, since otherwise it causes format problems in these
> settigns.
> (unfortunately fixed-width appear to be largley ignored by unicode... ��)
> On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 10:54 PM, fantasai via Unicode <unicode at unicode.org
> > wrote:
>> Why are the new emoji like U+1F600 Grinning Face EAW=Wide
>> when other dingbats like U+263A Smiling Face are EAW=Neutral?
>> This is making it difficult to have consistent formatting
>> across emoticons. Also, emoji aren't really CJK context only
>> now, are they.
>> https://unicode.org/cldr/utility/character.jsp?a=1F600&B1=Show
>> https://unicode.org/cldr/utility/character.jsp?a=263A&B1=Show
>> ~fantasai
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