Can NFKC turn valid UAX 31 identifiers into non-identifiers?

Martin J. Dürst via Unicode unicode at
Tue Jun 5 01:09:45 CDT 2018

Hello Rebecca,

On 2018/06/05 12:43, Rebecca T via Unicode wrote:

> Something I’d love to see is translated keywords; shouldn’t be hard with a
> line in the cargo.toml for a ruidmentary lookup. Again, I’m of the opinion
> that an imperfect implementation is better than no attempt. I remember
> reading an article about a professor who translated the keywords in...
> maybe it was Python? And found their students were much more engaged with
> the material. Anecdotal, of course, but it’s stuck with me.

It would be good to have a reference for this. I can certainly see the 
point. But on the other hand, I have also heard that using keywords in a 
foreign language makes it clear that there may be a difference between 
the everyday use of the word and the specific formal meaning in the 
programming language. Then, there's also the problem that just 
translating keywords may work for languages with the same sentence 
structure, but not for languages with a completely different sentence 
structure. On top of that, keywords are just a start; 
class/function/method names in libraries would have to be translated, 
too, which would be much more work (especially if one wants to do a good 

Regards,    Martin.

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