Variation Sequences (and L2-11/059)

William_J_G Overington via Unicode unicode at
Tue Jul 17 07:45:43 CDT 2018

Janusz S. Bien wrote:

> I understand there is no sufficient demand for the Unicode Consortium maintaining a supplementary non-ideographic variation database. Hence for the time being a kind of Private Use variation database seems to be the only solution - am I right?

Well, with the greatest respect, in my opinion, no.

You could use my suggestion and send a copy of your encoding to the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC) and maybe they will endorse it.

There is precedence over the astronaut emoji where in glyph substitution the rocket was lost and a space suit was obtained from somewhere.

For my suggestion the circled digit would be lost and an alternate glyph introduced.

Whether the Unicode Technical Committee would endorse such an encoding would need to wait for a meeting of the UTC.

Too often in relation to Unicode matters things get done by people saying what they consider the UTC will say and ideas get screened out and the UTC never gets the opportunity to consider them.

William Overington

Tuesday 17 July 2018

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