Unicode Emoji 5.0 characters now final

Mark Davis ☕️ mark at macchiato.com
Tue Mar 28 01:12:17 CDT 2017

(I'm sure you know this, Philippe, but a reminder for others: as far as the
Unicode projects go, discussions on this list have no effect unless they
are turned into a submission (UTC or Emoji proposal, CLDR or ICU ticket).)

If you see any problems in the CLDR data, please file a ticket at
http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/newticket. Please only include the problem
cases. (Note that it is *not* a goal for CLDR to include all ISO
subdivisions going back in time; just back to 2015-09. And even there, if
an ISO subdivision is introduced after the start of a CLDR version, but
retracted before that version releases, it won't be included. If retracted
in a later version, it is moved to the deprecated set.)


2017-03-28 3:38 GMT+02:00 Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>:

> I try to summarize the situation for France, There are some missing codes
>  France métropolitaine (deprecated: [fx]):
>    Départements métropolitains:
>      [fr01~19 fr2a~b fr21~68 fr70-95] (unchanged)
>      [fr6d]  Rhône (département)                      (missing, included
> in [fr69]?)
>    Statuts particuliers:
>      [fr69]  Rhône (circonscription départementale)
>      [fr6m]  Métropole de Lyon                        (missing, included
> in [fr69]?)
>    Régions métropolitaines:
>      [frara] Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes     (new)
>               - Auvergne              (former)        (deprecated: [frc])
>               - Rhône-Alpes           (former)        (deprecated: [frv])
>      [frbfc] Bourgogne-Franche-Comté  (new)
>               - Bourgogne             (former)        (deprecated: [frd])
>               - Franche-Comté         (former)        (deprecated: [fri])
>      [frbre] Bretagne                 (unchanged)     (deprecated: [fre])
>      [frcor] Corse (collectivité territoriale de)     (deprecated: [frh])
>      [frcvl] Centre-Val de Loire                      (deprecated: [frf])
>      [frges] Grand-Est                (new)
>               - Alsace                (former)        (deprecated: [fra])
>               - Champagne-Ardenne     (former)        (deprecated: [frg])
>               - Franche-Comté         (former)        (deprecated: [frm])
>      [frhdf] Hauts-de-France          (new)
>               - Nord-Pas-de-Calais    (former)        (deprecated: [fro])
>               - Picardie              (former)        (deprecated: [frs])
>      [fridf] Île-de-France                            (deprecated: [frj])
>      [frnaq] Nouvelle-Aquitaine       (new)
>               - Aquitaine             (former)        (deprecated: [frb])
>               - Limousin              (former)        (deprecated: [frl)
>               - Poitou-Charentes      (former)        (deprecated: [frt])
>      [frnor] Normandie                (new)
>               - Basse-Normandie       (former)        (deprecated: [frp])
>               - Haute-Normandie       (former)        (deprecated: [frq])
>      [frocc] Occitanie                (new)
>               - Languedoc-Roussillon  (former)        (deprecated: [frk])
>               - Midi-Pyrénées         (former)        (deprecated: [frn])
>      [frpac] Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur               (deprecated: [fru])
>      [frpdl] Pays de la Loire                         (deprecated: [frr])
>  Départements/régions d'outre-mer (DOM/ROM):
>      [gp]    Guadeloupe (département)                 (deprecated: [frgp])
>      [frgua] Guadeloupe (région)
>      [mq]    Martinique (département)                 (deprecated: [frmq])
>      [frmar] Martinique (ancienne région)             (missing?)
>      [gf]    Guyane     (département)                 (deprecated: [frgf])
>      [frguy] Guyane     (ancienne région)             (missing?)
>      [yt]    Mayotte    (département)                 (deprecated: [fryt])
>      [frmay] Mayotte    (ancienne collectivité)
>      [re]    La Réunion (département)                 (deprecated: [frre])
>      [frlre] La Réunion (région)
>  Autres outre-mers:
>    Collectivités d'outre-mer (COM):
>      [bl] Saint-Barthélemy                            (deprecated: [frbl])
>      [mf] Saint-Martin (partie française)             (deprecated: [frmf])
>      [pf] Polynésie française                         (deprecated: [frpf])
>      [pm] Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon                    (deprecated: [frpm])
>      [tf] Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (deprecated: [frtf])
>      [wf] Wallis-et-Futuna                            (deprecated: [frwf])
>    Statuts particuliers:
>      [nc]  Nouvelle-Calédonie                         (deprecated: [frnc])
>      [cp]  Clipperton                                 (deprecated: [frcp])
> 2017-03-28 2:28 GMT+02:00 Markus Scherer <markus.icu at gmail.com>:
>> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>
>> wrote:
>>> I followed the links. Check your links, you are referencing the
>>> proposal, and this contradicts the published version 4.0 of TR51. Where is
>>> stability ?
>> Of course I am pointing to the proposal. The version of TR 51 under
>> review adds a mechanism that didn't exist before. It's an addition, not a
>> contradiction. Once it's there it will be stable.
>> markus
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