LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S officially recognized
Michael Everson via Unicode
unicode at
Fri Jun 30 10:34:24 CDT 2017
It would be sensible to case-map ß to ẞ however.
> On 30 Jun 2017, at 16:29, Otto Stolz via Unicode <unicode at> wrote:
> Hello,
> der Rat für deutsche Rechtschreibung which is responsible for the further development of the official German orthography has finally recognized LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S as a possible upper-case equvalent for the LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S.
> The report announcing the change is dated 2016-12-08, but the official rules have been updated only yesterday, so the change is currently in the news (not very prominently, though).
> The pertinent section from the official 2107 rules reads thusly:
>> § 25 E3
>> Bei Schreibung mit Großbuchstaben schreibt man SS. Daneben ist auch die Verwendung des Großbuchstabens ẞ möglich. Beispiel: Straße – STRASSE –STRAẞE.
> Which translates to:
>> When writing all caps, you spell SS. Alternatively, it is possible to use the upper-case ẞ. Example: Straße – STRASSE –STRAẞE.
> So, SS remains the primary upper-case equivalent of ß. Yesterday’s note to the press says that the capital ẞ is meant mainly for passports and similar official documents, wich have to reproduce personal names faithfully in their respective spelling variants. E. g., Passports used to distinguish proper names such as GROẞMANN and GROSSMAN; up to now, they usually have spelled GROßMANN, with a small ß between the capitals, which renders ugly, in most fonts.
> Best wishes,
> Otto
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