Standaridized variation sequences for the Desert alphabet?

David Starner prosfilaes at
Thu Apr 6 02:27:23 CDT 2017

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 12:07 AM Martin J. Dürst <duerst at>

> And while we currently have no evidence that Deseret had developed a
> typographic tradition where some type styles would use one set of
> ligatures, and other styles would use another set, it wouldn't be
> possible to reject this possibility without actually trying to find
> evidence one way or another.

Deseret didn't really develop a typographic tradition at all. To quote

 At least four books were published in the new alphabet, all transcribed by
Orson Pratt and all using the Russell's House font: The First Deseret
Alphabet Reader (1868), The Second Deseret Alphabet Reader (1868), The Book
of Mormon (1869), and a Book of Mormon excerpt called First Nephi–Omni

There's also a couple years where the Deseret News printed a short piece in
the Deseret alphabet in every issue, but in any case, these new glyphs
never had a metal type made for them and never saw print until modern times.
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