Copyleft Symbol
Robert Wheelock
rwhlk142 at
Mon Feb 15 19:08:01 CST 2016
Shouldn’t the COPYLEFT SIGN be a small circled L?!
It’s something to think about...
Thank You!
On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Asmus Freytag (t) <asmus-inc at>
> On 2/15/2016 9:32 AM, Doug Ewell wrote:
> Asmus Freytag wrote:
> with the non-standard symbols like the copyleft, there's the desire to
> not encode stuff based on "passing activism".
> David Faulks wrote:
> The samples I have seem to be from people who want to make a statement
> via an anti-copyright message
> The lengthy thread from 2000, and the shorter one from 2012, show that
> the objections at those times fell into three main categories:
> (1) Lack of (sufficient) evidence of use as an element of running text,
> as opposed to a logo.
> I take it that this has been addressed (modulo the usual difficulties
> about proving that for
> unencoded symbols).
> There's an interesting passage on the FSF page "What is Copyleft?" about
> this symbol:
> "It is a legal mistake to use a backwards C in a circle instead of a
> copyright symbol. Copyleft is based legally on copyright, so the work
> should have a copyright notice. A copyright notice requires either the
> copyright symbol (a C in a circle) or the word 'Copyright'. [ ... ] A
> backwards C in a circle has no special legal significance, so it doesn't
> make a copyright notice."
> Unicode has always recognized usage over official status. So this should
> not be an issue.
> (2) Concern that the symbol was a passing fad. Christopher and Ken noted
> that the fact we are talking about it again 15 years later probably
> answers that concern.
> Very good point.
> (3) The social-statement aspect.
> António wrote in 2012, referring to the copyleft symbol plus the others
> he just cited (e.g. Creative Commons): "I am convinced that they were
> not accepted for encoding (if they were ever even formally proposed) due
> purely to ideological reasons." However, I checked the UTC document
> register going back to 2000 and could not find a proposal with the word
> "copyleft" in its title, so perhaps these have not been proposed after
> all.
> A proposal is needed, discussion on this list is useful only as far as a
> proposer wants to get some suggestions on how to proceed.
> The recent acceptance by UTC of BITCOIN SIGN, which is also often
> perceived as a logo and also sometimes associated with a social
> movement, might indicate greater willingness of UTC to encode the
> copyleft symbol, even discounting the effects of the Emoji Revolution.
> But as always, at least for non-emoji characters, a formal proposal is
> probably mandatory.
> Delete "probably".
> A./
> --
> Doug Ewell | | Thornton, CO ����
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