a character for an unknown character

Christoph Päper christoph.paeper at crissov.de
Sat Dec 31 04:01:16 CST 2016

Richard Wordingham <richard.wordingham at ntlworld.com>:
>> Perhaps the letters for hexadecimal digits should have been encoded
>> separately?
> The idea has been rejected several times.

It has indeed. That’s why two different technologies have to be used to get typographically harmonic hexadecimal numbers, e.g. in CSS:

  .hex {font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums; text-transform: lowercase;}
  .hex {font-variant-numeric: lining-nums;   text-transform: uppercase;}

This works well enough for ‘01ef’ or ‘01EF’, but will fail for conventions like ‘0x01ef’ and ‘01EFh’. Hence:

  .hex::before {content: "0x"; text-transform: none;}
  .hex::after  {content: "h";  text-transform: none;}
  .hex::after  {content: "ₕ";}
  .hex::after  {content: "16"; vertical-align: sub; font-size: smaller; line-height: normal;}
  .hex::after  {content: "16"; font-variant-position: sub;}
  .hex::after  {content: "₁₆";}

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