Another UAX #29 bug: property tables need updating

Ken Whistler kenwhistler at
Thu Dec 22 13:16:03 CST 2016


On 12/22/2016 10:35 AM, Manish Goregaokar wrote:
> The property table should include all role and gender modifiers as GAZ.
> Could this be updated?

Property values cannot be updated for *published* versions of the 
standard. What you should do is submit your feedback as part of the 
public review for UAX #29 for version 10.0 of the standard. See:

If you submit your feedback to UAX #29 (and its associated data files) 
according to the directions there, that will ensure that it gets 
properly considered during the review of UAX #29 at the next UTC meeting 
scheduled at the end of January.


P.S. In general, any feedback on property values in the UCD need to be 
handled that way, to make sure they get appropriate consideration by the 

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