Comment in a leading German newspaper regarding the way UTC and Apple handle Emoji as an attack on Free Speech

Karl Pentzlin karl-pentzlin at
Fri Aug 26 05:49:04 CDT 2016

Today in the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", one of the leading
German newspapers: The comment regards an UTC decision to refuse the acceptance
of emojis for Olympic rifles, as well as the fact that Apple's IOS 10 displays
U+1F52B as a toy water pistol, as an attack on Free Speech:

"Das Unicode-Konsortium wirkt wie eine Neuauflage des Orwellschen Wahrheitsministeriums,
 das die englische Sprache durch eine um schädliche Begriffe gereinigte, neue Sprache
 ersetzte und die übriggebliebenen Worte „unorthodoxer“ Nebenbedeutungen entkleidete."

("The Unicode Consortium appears like a reissue of Orwell's Ministry
  of Truth, which replaced the English language by a new one, sweeped clean
  from harmful terms, and which removed "unorthodox" connotations from
  the rest of the words.")

- Karl Pentzlin

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