Dark beer emoji

Marcel Schneider charupdate at orange.fr
Thu Sep 3 04:48:45 CDT 2015

On Wed, 02 Sep 2015 14:26:07 -0700, Doug Ewell  wrote:

> Garth Wallace wrote:
> > TYPE 1-2: White bread
> > TYPE 3: Potato bread
> > TYPE 4: Whole wheat
> > TYPE 5: Multigrain
> > TYPE 6: Pumpernickel
> While trying to construct a rejoinder involving soft drinks (variously
> "soda" or "pop"), I discovered that Unicode has no such emoji.
> This is an outrage, of course. I can't believe Unicode even calls itself
> a coded character set without an emoji for soft drinks.

Sorry to contradict. So far, not encoding soft drinks emoji is IMHO a wise decision, in accordance with governmental and public health autoritiesʼ action against soft drink consumption (along with that against alcoholic beverages consumption). The issue with soft drinks is that theyʼre made of water and depleted sugar instead of water and complete sugar (see my previous e-mail), while in many cases the sugarʼs colour tone has strictly no impact on the beverageʼs final colour. By the way, the whole sugarʼs taste may pleasingly complete the overall aroma. So not having encoded any soft drink emoji before a number of other food and beverage emoji are encoded, does not detract from Unicode being a coded character set.

On the other hand, I believe that encoding a glass that is not to contain alcoholic beverages, say, a soft drink glass, which is almost the same as a milk glass, could be a very useful proposal. Yet we have then a new GLASS OF MILK emoji, which being polysemic, could denote lemon soda when yellow, and so on across the colour spectrum. And of course, the same will be used for FRUIT JUICE! Most probably when preceded by a fruit emoji like DURIAN to depict a DURIAN SMOOTHIE.

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