The scope of Unicode (from Re: How can my research become implemented in a standardized manner?)

Peter Constable petercon at
Thu Oct 22 21:47:18 CDT 2015

From: Unicode [mailto:unicode-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark E. Shoulson
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 9:48 AM

> I have no idea why deposition with the British Library is in any way significant or even relevant.  It's nice to mail documents to people who will save them, yes.

Hmmm... If I (or anyone else) were to forward to the British Library every item I post to this or other public lists or fora, or anything else I'd like to have publicly recorded, they'll provide a permanent, public record? I would have expected them to be pretty selective of what things they decide to hang onto.


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