"Bunny hill" symbol, used in America for signaling ski pistes for novices

Philippe Verdy verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Thu May 28 17:00:32 CDT 2015

The rope (or other barriers) are also present in Europe, but they are
considered true "pistes" by themselves, even if they are relatively short.
In frequent cases they are connected upward to a blue piste (not for
novices) but there are "slow down" warnings displayed on them and the
regulation requires taking care of every skier that could be in front of

Various tools are used to force skiers to slow down, including forcing them
to slalom between barriers, or including flat sections or sections going
upward, and adding a large rest area around this interconnection.

The European green pistes for novices are also relatively well separated
from blue pistes (used by all other skiers and interconnected with mor
difficult ones: red and black): if there's a blue piste, it will most often
be parallel and separated physically by barriers, this limits the number of
intersections or the need for interconnections (the only intersection is
then at the station itself, in a crowded area near the equipments to bring
skiers to the upper part of the piste).

But my initial question was about the symbol that I have seen (partly)
documented without an actual image for ski stations in US. May be the
"bunny hills" symbol is specific to a station, not used elsewhere, or there
are other similar symbols used locally. I wonder if this is not simply the
symbol/logo of a local ski school...

2015-05-28 23:44 GMT+02:00 Shawn Steele <Shawn.Steele at microsoft.com>:

>  Typically we have “slow” zones with include both “novice” areas and
> congested areas.  Additionally the “novice” part of a slope often has a
> rope fence delineating it from the rest of the slow.  However on the maps,
> etc, its usually just off to the side of a green run and doesn’t have a
> special symbol.
> *From:* Unicode [mailto:unicode-bounces at unicode.org] *On Behalf Of *Philippe
> Verdy
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 28, 2015 2:26 PM
> *To:* Doug Ewell
> *Cc:* Unicode Mailing List
> *Subject:* Re: "Bunny hill" symbol, used in America for signaling ski
> pistes for novices
> 2015-05-28 22:59 GMT+02:00 Doug Ewell <doug at ewellic.org>:
> Looks like a green circle is the symbol for a beginner slope. (The first
> link also shows that "piste" is the European word for what we call a
> trail, run, or slope). There is no difference between a "bunny slope"
> and a "beginner" or "novice" slope.
> The difference is obvious in Europe where the "novice" difficulty is
> marked as green pistes (slopes are below 30% or almost flat), and the
> "beginner/moderate" difficulty is marked as blue pistes (slopes about
> 30-35%).
> Even America must have this "novice" difficulty, with areas mostly used by
> young children (with their parents not skiing but following them by foot,
> and a restriction of speeds); these areas are protected so that other
> skiers will not pass through them. In fact if you remain on these novice
> areas you cannot reach any speed that could cause dangerous shocks: you
> have to "push" to advance, otherwise you'll slow down naturally and stop on
> the snow.
> These areas can be used by walkers, and randonners using "raquettes".
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