Accessing the WG2 document register

William_J_G Overington wjgo_10009 at
Wed Jun 10 07:33:32 CDT 2015

As I am not on the Unicore list, just the public mailing list, I am only picking up bits of what is going on.

However, I make the following observations.

I followed the link to
and from there, having looked at some of the items on that page, to
where there are some very nice things said about you.

> As I am considered an ineligible contributor by ISO, um, standards, I hereby withdraw all of my contributions to Unicode, and reflexively to ISO 10646. A list of the contributions that I withdraw is given at:


> Whoever has the task of coordinating with ISO, is that you Michel?, please withdraw all of my contributions.

The problem is that if you withdraw your contributions, then Unicode will not be as good as it otherwise would have been.

May I ask you to reconsider please?

You have made a very effective protest in that it has caused people to wonder what is going on.

Whether your protest will have any effect on changing the rules is not yet known.

Yet even if it has no effect at all on the rules, if you allow your contributions to stand there will be people who are not yet born who will benefit from your contributions.

So, will you reconsider please?

William Overington

10 June 2015

----Original message----
>From : pandey at
Date : 10/06/2015 - 11:01 (GMTST)
To : babelstone at
Cc : unicore at, unicode at
Subject : Re: Accessing the WG2 document register


Thank you for this detailed investigation. It is truly informative.

As I am considered an ineligible contributor by ISO, um, standards, I hereby withdraw all of my contributions to Unicode, and reflexively to ISO 10646. A list of the contributions that I withdraw is given at:

Whoever has the task of coordinating with ISO, is that you Michel?, please withdraw all of my contributions.

All the best,

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