Plain text custom fraction input

Hans Aberg haberg-1 at
Thu Jul 23 03:20:47 CDT 2015

> On 23 Jul 2015, at 00:54, Richard Wordingham <richard.wordingham at> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 12:21:32 +0200 (CEST)
> Marcel Schneider <charupdate at> wrote:
>> On 22 Jul 2015, at 09:52, Richard Wordingham  wrote:
>> We never thought of common hieroglyphs otherwise as running LTR,
>> while on monuments the great liberty of the script allows to run in
>> amost all directions. IMO monumental transcription is always
>> difficult to deal with, whenever exact rendering is expected.
>> However, since Unicode's purpose is plain text encoding, we must
>> stick with what I consider as a convention in egyptology...
> Which means that Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are unencoded!  Their
> default direction is right-to-left, but that's only the start of the
> trouble.  The encoded hieroglyphs aren't Bidi-mirrored, so if I embed
> then in a right-to-left override, I should get retrograde characters.
> Now these aren't totally useless, but at present we seem to need a
> duplicate set of right-to-left hieroglyphs for unstacked text.  There
> is work in progress to allow normal Egyptological hieroglyphic text.

Egyptian hieroglyphs are read in the direction the heads are facing. So you need more than an RTL mapping.

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