Adding RAINBOW FLAG to Unicode

Ken Whistler kenwhistler at
Mon Jul 6 10:53:35 CDT 2015

On 7/6/2015 8:26 AM, Doug Ewell wrote:
> Ken Whistler <kenwhistler at att dot net> wrote:
>> In that case I think a new registry mechanism might in fact make sense
>> -- and I have spelled out details of how one could reasonably work in
>> conjunction with the extended flag tag proposal in feedback submitted
>> on PRI #299.
> Is this list the right place to discuss that proposal?

It is fair game for discussion on this list, of course.

On the other hand, it might make sense to wait and see if it gains
any traction when the UTC meets later this month and considers
all of the feedback on the extended flag tag PRI #299 proposal together.
If the concept of a Unicode flag pictograph registry garners no
interest there, it is unlikely it would go further after that.


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