Unicode block for programming related symbols and codepoints?

Jean-François Colson jf at colson.eu
Mon Feb 9 15:07:29 CST 2015

-------- Message d'origine --------
De : Hans Aberg
Date :09/02/2015 20:48 (GMT+01:00)
A : Ken Whistler
Cc : Unicode Mailing List
Objet : Re: Unicode block for programming related symbols and codepoints?

> On 9 Feb 2015, at 19:17, Ken Whistler <kenwhistler at att.net> wrote:

> But if a left arrow, for example, might be a better choice for an assignment
> operator in a programming language, and a two-character ASCII operator
> like ":=" or "<-" doesn't seem appropriate or causes other confusion, there
> still isn't a character *encoding* issue here. Just use "←", which already exists (U+2190),
> and is a fine left arrow!

There are also
and others.

No problems using such characters in Flex:

The problem is the lack of input methods. 

No problem for me: I can input a ← by typing either Alt Gr + 4 (on the numeric keypad) or compose +  < + -
I have no way to type "colon equals" but to type it as compose + : + = I should simply add one single line to my ~/.XCompose file:
<Multi_key> <colon> <equal> : U2254
and restart my text editor. That isn't more difficult than that.

(I'm on my phone right now.)

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