Unicode block for programming related symbols and codepoints?

Jean-François Colson jf at colson.eu
Sun Feb 8 17:36:19 CST 2015

Le 08/02/15 23:07, Alfred Zett a écrit :
> Hi Jean-Francois Colson,
>>> - A codepoint for string literal quotes, that would spare one the 
>>> escaping.
>> I rarely escape quotes.
>> In a text, I use ’ (U+2019) as an apostrophe and «»“”‘’ as quotes, so 
>> I don’t need to escape them.
>> When I use PHP to generate some HTML code, I try to alternate simple 
>> and double quotes as much as possible. That way I rarely need to 
>> escape them.
> OK, but that's just your scenario. With a language design from the 
> past. With probably an editor from the past that allows non-unicode 
> encodings.
That’s mainly with gcc on GNU/Linux with a UTF-8 locale or with PHP with 
a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
in the XHTML document.

> In a better world, manual code point inserting was a last resort.

What do you call “manual inserting”?

> Imagine someone wants to make his text look like written with a 
> typewriter.
That’s a very special case and a few \ are not a big problem.
You could use existing characters as “string litteral quotes”. I’ve 
never used APL so I don’t remember the meanings of its symbols, but 
FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL QUOTE QUAD work as “string litteral quotes” in a new 
programming language?

>> Aren’t you trying to reinvent APL?
> No. APL places a lot of alien-looking, annoying characters to anyone 
> except mathematicians into your code that are hard to input.

Hard to input? Not harder than the new symbols you’d like to propose. 
That’s only a matter of keyboard layout and input method.

> In particular from the context.
> My proposal on the other hand - if implemented right - introduces some 
> really intuitive looking and easy to input characters,
In what would they be easier to input?

> because a bold arrow at the left doesn't need further explanation and 
> your IDE of the future can easily place them when pressing tab in the 
> right position.

If the IDE inputs your new character when you press tab, then your new 
character is a tab…

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