Additional adoption form on
Manuel Strehl
boldewyn at
Thu Dec 17 16:06:10 CST 2015
please let me start by saying, that I think the adoption of characters
is a very good idea to provide funding for the development of Unicode.
To promote this idea, I thought it could be worthwhile to place an
"adopt this codepoint" button on the description pages of code points on But before going live with that, I'd love to
hear feedback, especially if the people in charge of the adoption
process share my feelings.
This is the implementation on my staging site as of now (sans a bit
With Javascript enabled you should see on the right three buttons, the
last one labelled "Adopt this codepoint". On clicking a dialog opens,
that provides the same input possibilities that the adoption page on shows. Submitting the form leads to the processing form on
I tried to be sensible and explicit as to how the affiliation situation
is between and Unicode (there is none) and what happens,
when the form is filled.
If the consensus is, that I should go on with this, I'd like to ask some
follow-up questions:
* Will the current adoption form stay stable with regard to POST
parameters it accepts and to its URL?
* URL: Will the form be accessible by HTTPS in the future?
* Copy: Is my wording OK? Should I change something (more details,
legalese, ...)?
* Can characters be double-adopted? If not, is there a machine-readable
list, that I can access to remove the button on already adopted code points?
Thanks for your time and consideration!
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