MONGOLIAN LETTER YA medial second form, incorrect image?

Richard Ishida ishida at
Thu Nov 13 04:00:20 CST 2014

Before reporting this I want to check I have understood it correctly. If 
you know something about Mongolian variant selectors, please let me know 
if my conclusion is correct.

I think the image for medial MONGOLIAN LETTER YA second form, 1836 180B, 
at is 

I think it should have no upturn on the left.

The Mongolian Baiti, Mongolian White, Mongolian Writing, and Noto Sans 
Mongolian fonts all produce a glyph with no upturn in medial position. 
The glyph with upturn is the default medial glyph (except before i in 
Mongolian Baiti).

Bottom line: I believe that the chart should show the same image for 
medial as it shows for initial.


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