
Leonardo Boiko leoboiko at namakajiri.net
Wed Jun 4 06:58:22 CDT 2014

Even Ruby could do it for years, despite having notoriously bad Unicode
string support back then:

    irb> 日本語 = 'むらさき'
    => "むらさき"

    irb> íslenska = 'fjólublár'
    => "fjólublár"

    irb> 日本語 + ' ' + íslenska
    => "むらさき fjólublár"

I don't think this feature saw much use, since programmers in a global
world can't assume that everyone will have easy access to their input
methods, and so tend to restrict code tokens to the ASCII set to encourage

2014-06-04 8:45 GMT-03:00 David Starner <prosfilaes at gmail.com>:

> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:28 AM, Andre Schappo <A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk>
> wrote:
> > I think this a huge step forward for i18n and Unicode.
> Could you not do that in Objective-C? If no, then it's a step forward
> for Apple, but the rest of us--Ada, C, C++, C#, Java, Python--have had
> this feature for years. 20 years in 2015 in the case of Ada.
> --
> Kie ekzistas vivo, ekzistas espero.
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