Unicode Regular Expressions, Surrogate Points and UTF-8
Mark Davis ☕️
mark at macchiato.com
Mon Jun 2 04:29:09 CDT 2014
> \uD808\uDF45 specifies a sequence of two codepoints.
That is simply incorrect.
In Java (and similar environments), \uXXXX means a char (a UTF16 code
unit), not a code point. Here is the difference. If you are not used to
Java, string.replaceAll(x,y) uses Java's regex to replace the pattern x
with the replacement y in string. Backslashes in literals need escaping, so
\x needs to be written in literals as \\x.
String[] tests = {"\\x{12345}", "\\uD808\\uDF45", "\uD808\uDF45",
String target =
"one: «\uD808\uDF45»\t\t" +
"two: «\uD808\uDF45\uD808\uDF45»\t\t" +
"lead: «\uD808»\t\t" +
"trail: «\uDF45»\t\t" +
"one+: «\uD808\uDF45\uD808»";
System.out.println("pattern" + "\t→\t" + target + "\n");
for (String test : tests) {
System.out.println(test + "\t→\t" + target.replaceAll(test, "§︎"));
pattern → one: «��» two: «����» lead: «?» trail: «?» one+: «��?»
\x{12345} → one: «§︎» two: «§︎§︎» lead: «?» trail: «?» one+: «§︎?»
\uD808\uDF45 → one: «§︎» two: «§︎§︎» lead: «?» trail: «?» one+: «§︎?»
�� → one: «§︎» two: «§︎§︎» lead: «?» trail: «?» one+: «§︎?»
«.» → one: §︎ two: «����» lead: §︎ trail: §︎ one+: «��?»
The target has various combinations of code units, to see what happens.
Notice that Java treats a pair of lead+trail as a single code point for
matching (eg .), but also an isolated surrogate char as a single code point
(last line of output). Note that Java's regex in addition allows \x{hex}
for specifying a code point explicitly. It also has the syntax \uXXXX (in a
literal the \ needs escaping) to specify a code unit; that is slightly
different than the Java preprocessing. Thus the first two are equivalent,
and replace "{" by "x". The last two are also equivalent—and fail—because a
single "{" is a broken regex pattern.
System.out.println("{".replaceAll("\\u007B", "x"));
System.out.println("{".replaceAll("\\x{7B}", "x"));
System.out.println("{".replaceAll("\u007B", "x"));
System.out.println("{".replaceAll("{", "x"));
Mark <https://google.com/+MarkDavis>
*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*
On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Richard Wordingham <
richard.wordingham at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Jun 2014 08:58:26 -0700
> Markus Scherer <markus.icu at gmail.com> wrote:
> > You misunderstand. In Java, \uD808\uDF45 is the only way to escape a
> > supplementary code point, but as long as you have a surrogate pair,
> > it is treated as a code point in APIs that support them.
> Wasn't obvious that in the following paragraph \uD808\uDF45 was a
> pattern?
> "Bear in mind that a pattern \uD808 shall not match anything in a
> well-formed Unicode string. \uD808\uDF45 specifies a sequence of two
> codepoints. This sequence can occur in an ill-formed UTF-32 Unicode
> string and before Unicode 5.2 could readily be taken to occur in an
> ill-formed UTF-8 Unicode string. RL1.7 declares that for a regular
> expression engine, the codepoint sequence <U+D808, U+DF45> cannot
> occur in a UTF-16 Unicode string; instead, the code unit sequence <D808
> DF45> is the codepoint sequence <U+12345 CUNEIFORM SIGN URU TIMES
> KI>."
> (It might have been clearer to you if I'd said '8-bit' and '16-bit'
> instead of UTF-8 and UTF-16. It does make me wonder what you'd call a
> 16-bit encoding of arbitrary *codepoint* sequences.)
> Richard.
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