Indic syllabic category of Kharoshthi virama

Srinidhi A via Indic indic at
Thu Sep 14 11:08:12 CDT 2017

In Indic_Syllabic_Category
Virama is assigned to only includes characters that can act both as visible
killer viramas and consonant stackers.

Separate property values exist for characters that can only act as
pure killers or only as consonant stackers and consonant stackers.
Pure_Killer and Invisible_Stacker are other property values.

KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA is currently assigned property as Invisible_Stacker.

Unlike other Indic Kharoshthi does not have any visible form virama
which acts as a halanta.

When not followed by a consonant, the virama causes the preceding
consonant to be written as subscript to the left of the letter
preceding it. If followed by another consonant, the virama will
trigger a combined form consisting of two or more consonants.(from
Kharoshthi section of Core specification, page 564-565)

The vowel less consonant is written smaller and lower than regular
consonants. These forms are also found in Brahmi.

Since Virama in Kharoshthi can act as halanta(killing of inherent
vowel) and form consonant conjuncts, What is appropriate property?
Should it be changed to Indic_Syllabic_Category=Virama.


Srinidhi A
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