Japanese plurals

Edwin Hoogerbeets ehoogerbeets at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 13:19:19 CST 2021

Hi there,

Our Japanese translators are asking me how to translate the following 
string resource:

{folderCount, plural, one {Remove yourself from this shared folder.} 
other {Remove yourself from these shared folders.}}

Our translation management system only allows for the "other" case in 
Japanese because it follows the CLDR rules as documented in 
common/supplemental/plurals.xml. The difficult thing is that the two 
English strings should be translated differently. Counters may not have 
plurals in Japanese, but demonstratives like "this", "these", "that" and 
"those" do.

What the translators would like is to do a translation like this:

{folderCount, plural, one {*この*共有フォルダから自分を削除します。} other 

(Bold added by me to highlight the translations of "this" and "these".)

Is there any way we can revisit the plural categories for Japanese for 
cases like this? ie. add the "one" category for Japanese specifically 
for strings with demonstrative words in them?



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