Requirements for getting a new language in Survey Tool

Francis Tyers via CLDR-Users cldr-users at
Sat Mar 10 03:51:41 CST 2018


First of all, sorry if this email is going to the wrong place. Please 
let me know if there is a better forum for my question and I apologise 
in advance for wasting anyone's time.

My question(s):

1) I understand from the CLDR page that the Survey Tool prep starts on 
the 1st of April, am I correct in understanding that in order for a 
language to appear in the Survey Tool for the next batch of data entry 
that it should have at least seed data before the 1st of April?
2) If so, is the best way to go about this to file bugs in the CLDR 
track and supply this[1] amount of seed data?
3) And if not [1] is there an ideal example of seed data in the SVN that 
I could use as a template?

Thank you for your time,

Francis M. Tyers


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