cldr keyboard platform questions

Mike Wesner via CLDR-Users cldr-users at
Sun Feb 25 11:20:21 CST 2018

I am interested in using the CLDR Keyboards data to create a mapping of
unicode characters to HID keycode data for a hardware project.  The device
intends to support some common keyboard layouts for some common platforms
such as windows, osx, linux, iOS, Android.  (with obvious restrictions, it
probably wont support all possible outputs, caps lock required, or
longpress or transforms)

I have scripts that are successfully using osx, windows, but I have some
questions about other platforms.

1. Where is the linux layout data?  iOS?

2. For android, the _platform.xml is lacking a hardwareMap.  How do I know
what keycodes map to the ISO codes?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
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