SurveyTool support request: How do you vote for empty?

Mark Davis ☕️ via CLDR-Users cldr-users at
Mon Dec 10 05:06:40 CST 2018

Please don't do that or encourage others to.

If the strings were ever to be used (such as if a timezone or metazone adds
daylight savings) then the literal string would show up to users, eg "12:35
<none>". You may be using Coverage: Comprehensive, which should not
normally be used without direction by administrators, especially for
timezones, since it contains many many items that are not normally used and
should just be left alone. If so, you should reset down to Coverage: Modern.

If you have suggestions for a hacks for getting around what you see as a
problem, please file a ticket. The committee will review and then let
people know if it is a recommended approach. (It has done so in the past
for various issues raised by vetters.)


On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 6:28 AM Marcel Schneider via CLDR-Users <
cldr-users at> wrote:

> > Many time zones do not switch to daylight time, and many
> > zones seem not to have a short name like "PT" or "PST"
> > for Pacific [Standard] Time.
> >
> > But I’m unable to find out how to get appropriate votes
> > into SurveyTool.
> For Your information: I’m going to post "<none>" in these
> empty fields.
> Regards,
> Marcel
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