Timezone areas - mapping and localizing

Mark Davis ☕️ via CLDR-Users cldr-users at unicode.org
Wed Apr 4 02:09:50 CDT 2018

CLDR supplies names for the UN M.49, and the mapping from country/region
code to those.

There is a chart on
(using data from the source XML).

Note that the UN M.49 generally matches the 'area' part:  Africa [002]
contains Burundi [BI] and hence Africa/Bujumbura

But it doesn't for the areas named after oceans (Indian, Pacific,
Atlantic), except that Oceania [009] is close to Pacific. There are also a
few other differences: eg, the UN puts the nation of Turkey (TR) into
Asia [142] (makes sense, given that the vast majority is in Asia), but
because Istanbul is in Europe, the TZDB has the Europe area.

Here are charts of the UN regions:

For example, Europe:

Again, you don't want to scrape the charts, but instead get the data from
the XML files.


On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 8:33 AM, Christian Schmidt via CLDR-Users <
cldr-users at unicode.org> wrote:

> I would like to show a list of timezones grouped by the area part of
> timezone identifier, e.g. Europe in Europe/Copenhagen. I want to show the
> localised area name.
> I have two questions:
> 1. The territory code for Europe is 150. Is there an official mapping from
> area names (e.g. Europe) to territory codes (e.g. 150), I can use?
> 2. I cannot find territories in CLDR matching all regions, e.g. Pacific or
> Atlantic. Did I miss something?
> Thanks,
> Christian
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