Generic location format misleading for America/Argentina/San_Juan

Christian Schmidt lists-cldr at
Mon Apr 3 13:51:21 CDT 2017

UTS #35, part 2 suggests using "generic location format" in interfaces for time zone selection.

The generic location format for America/Argentina/San_Juan is "San Juan". As pointed out in, there are many cities with that name, with the most prominent one being the capital of Puerto Rico (i.e. not the one in Argentina). Hence, the label "San Juan" is misleading to the user.

Would it be better to change the fallback format for timezones in countries with multiple zones to "Argentina Time (San Juan)" or  "Argentina (San Juan) Time" ('''regionFormat''' and '''fallbackFormat''' combined)?

Perhaps this was the intention all along? Elsewhere in the spec it says about the generic location format that "the naming is more uniform than the generic non-location format and zones for the same country will be grouped together". I don't understand what this means, unless the country name is included in the format (and the formatted strings are sorted alphabetically).

Christian Schmidt

PS: I tried creating this in Trac, but for some reason the Akismet spam filter thinks it is spam.

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