BIDI percentage sign

Philippe Verdy verdy_p at
Fri Feb 27 13:27:00 CST 2015

Sorry for the letter inversions, Americans.

2015-02-27 20:01 GMT+01:00 Shervin Afshar <shervinafshar at>:

> Mareicans?! Moroccans? Americans? Martians?
> ↪ Shervin
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at>
> wrote:
>> And why Mareicans are putting the currency unit symbol to the right ? It
>> is still read *after* the amount...
>> The only readon I see is to avoid adding an initial digit when the amount
>> is writen over a blank space. You can't add a digit after only because you
>> also add the decimal separator and subunits, or because you write these
>> subunits with a small fraction, or in superscript.. My feeling is that this
>> is a purely typographical tradition and it ia not related to the way you
>> read it loud.
>> For othe measurement units, the unit symbol is placed after the number,
>> not before. This has nothing to do with the Bidi ordering : that symbol
>> preserves its existing ordering even if you place it after or before by the
>> choice of the redactor and his perception of traditions. Number figures use
>> a different system than the rest of the text.
>> 2015-02-27 19:14 GMT+01:00 James Lin <James_Lin at>:
>>> Hi
>>> I looked through the Unicode standard Annex #9 and unable to find out if
>>> percentage sign "%" should reside on the LEFT of the numeric character or
>>> RIGHT?
>>> My understanding is if the numeric is in Latin or Western Arabic number,
>>> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0, "%" sign should be on the RIGHT: 12%, 54%;   For
>>> Eastern Arabic, "%" sign should be on the LEFT:  %٩٦٥
>>> Is this correct?
>>> Thank you
>>> -James
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