BIDI percentage sign

Philippe Verdy verdy_p at
Fri Feb 27 12:51:46 CST 2015

And why Mareicans are putting the currency unit symbol to the right ? It is
still read *after* the amount...
The only readon I see is to avoid adding an initial digit when the amount
is writen over a blank space. You can't add a digit after only because you
also add the decimal separator and subunits, or because you write these
subunits with a small fraction, or in superscript.. My feeling is that this
is a purely typographical tradition and it ia not related to the way you
read it loud.
For othe measurement units, the unit symbol is placed after the number, not
before. This has nothing to do with the Bidi ordering : that symbol
preserves its existing ordering even if you place it after or before by the
choice of the redactor and his perception of traditions. Number figures use
a different system than the rest of the text.

2015-02-27 19:14 GMT+01:00 James Lin <James_Lin at>:

> Hi
> I looked through the Unicode standard Annex #9 and unable to find out if
> percentage sign "%" should reside on the LEFT of the numeric character or
> My understanding is if the numeric is in Latin or Western Arabic number, 1
> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0, "%" sign should be on the RIGHT: 12%, 54%;   For Eastern
> Arabic, "%" sign should be on the LEFT:  %٩٦٥
> Is this correct?
> Thank you
> -James
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