What script is bm.xml?

Martin Raymond martin_raymond at sil.org
Mon Jun 23 08:53:45 CDT 2014

On 23/06/2014 08:44, Markus Scherer wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 8:22 AM, Martin Hosken <martin_hosken at sil.org <mailto:martin_hosken at sil.org>> wrote:
>     I notice that there is bm.xml and bm_Latn.xml. How is one to know that bm.xml should really be bm_Nkoo.xml? In
>     supplementalData.xml there is a scripts="Latn Nkoo" entry, so we can tell that the script for bm.xml should be
>     either Latn or Nkoo. Further in the same file it lists that 46% of the population of Mali is literate in Bambara
>     in Latin, but only 2% in Nkoo script.
>     Is there a data driven approach to resolving the script for a particular .xml file or do I have to use a process
>     of elimination (bm_Latn.xml exists, so bm.xml must be Nkoo)?
> Maybe it's a mistake?
> likelySubtags.xml seems to confirm the supplementalData: <likelySubtag from="bm" to="bm_Latn_ML"/>
> I suggest you submit a ticket.
> markus
Hi Martin,

This is a work in progress.  The current CLDR Release, 25 just contains bm.xml and bm_ML.xml.  bm.xml is Latin script 
data, which concurs with the entry in likelySubtags.xml.

Ticket http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/7232 is to set up a separate bm_Nkoo locale, but that work has not yet been 

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