Missing locales (lrc, hrx)

Shervin Afshar shervinafshar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 19:16:48 CDT 2014

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Shawn Steele
<Shawn.Steele at microsoft.com> wrote:
>> To add a new locale, seed data is needed to be provided first:
>> http://cldr.unicode.org/index/cldr-spec/minimaldata
> Why?
> I mean, I get that locales need a certain amount of data to be helpful, but perhaps if all someone had were the month & day names, maybe that'd help start getting the data so that when a few more people contribute that it gets fleshed out sufficiently to be usable?

FWIW, any data repository has its own rules of accepting public
submission and CLDR is no exception.

> Seems like the stuff necessary to begin collecting data for a locale would pretty much be knowing the appropriate language tag?  Everything else "just" gets attached to that?

It's not quite like that. To be able to collect the rest of data
through Survey Tool, the locale should be added there for which having
the core data is a prerequisite.

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